I had a great opportunity to interview Derek Garnier, one of the founders, partners and designers of a terrific App called, appropriately, "Filibuster". It is a political App which allows the user to comment on political issues and discussions of the day, anonymously, without fear of reprisal from employers or others.
This is an important point because unlike Facebook or Twitter, the user can use an alias to participate in the discussion.
Here is an interesting statistical fact, which can be verified via Pew Research: "26% of Facebook users have hidden, defriended, blocked or unfollowed someone because they disagreed with a political post." (Pew Research study, October, 2014) In addition, there have been countless reports of people being fired from their jobs because their political posts were deemed to be "insensitive", "inflammatory", or "offensive".
Those of you who Follow me on Twitter or are Friends with me on Facebook know I am a man of many opinions. I know I get under the skin of many who do not agree with some of my viewpoints. And of course, as a retired banker, this App would be a mainstay for me if I were still working. Be assured, though, I will be utilizing this App, because it has so many other great features.
This App, when you provide your geographic location, will find your Representative, Assemblyman, State or Federal Senator, Governor, Mayor and even the President, so you can communicate directly with them. Or, if you prefer, you can include other politicians with whom you think are interesting or want to contact.
Your message can be shared globally with others who follow the same person or you can keep your opinion on a more private, one to one, level. You can obtain and opine on news stories which interest you.
You can rate those news stories, and with a click of a button, send the comments and cumulative ratings of all users to politicians of your choice, presumably those involved with a story or issue. You will also be able to participate in polls, quizzes and contests. Serious debate will be the norm, but much needed comic relief will be welcomed.

“Filibuster” is scheduled to be released on September 14 via Google Play and the App Store. The good news is that the App will be available for free. Always.
If you want to view the actual website, please visit http://getfilibuster.com. There, you can make contact, see the latest press releases and so much more. You can also "Like" Filibuster on Facebook at GetFilibuster.
I am looking forward to "Filibuster" and I hope I have convinced you to join me on this great App. Happy politicking and great debates are in our future.
Starting in just a few days, we can all Filibuster. No cloture required.
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