On Friday, the Obama Injustice Department decided that it wasn't going to indict Lois Lerner for her willful and blatant law-breaking, by violating her trust as a Federal employee and sharing private tax records of Obama's political enemies and critics with unknown members of the White House staff. This was reported in all media, including Fox News online.

It appears to me that the American people have been shown that there are two levels of law and rules in this country: one for government employees, friends of the President and assorted other flunky Obama @$$ kissers, and the other for everyone else, like you and me.
It is ironic that forty two years ago, when the American people and media became aware of another President and his administration's abuse of power, he was ultimately driven from office for essentially high crimes and misdemeanors as outlined in the Articles of Impeachment the House Judiciary Committee voted on to present to the entire House for a vote. Knowing that his options to win were limited and non-existent, he decided to resign rather than drag the country through further trauma of an ongoing constitutional crisis.
This President and his entire cabal of criminals have no fear of retribution because the United States House of Representatives and its current Speaker do not have the b@!!$ to do its and his Constitutional job. So, knowing this, the Injustice Department decided that it wasn't going to do what would otherwise be expected against any other criminal.
I wonder what would happen if we all rebelled against the tyranny this current criminal enterprise called the Obama Administration by not paying our taxes or following any other laws and edicts these criminals have fostered upon us. Would we be as brave as those men were 240 years ago when they rebelled against another despot?
And if we did, what would Emperor Obama and his thugs do? Arrest us all? Where would we all be placed? There is not enough room in our prisons to house us all.
Perhaps, as happened to the Jews and other enemies of Nazi Germany, concentration camps will be built to house us until another Final Solution could be found. After all, another despot had no issue with finding a way to eliminate his enemies and critics, in order to advance HIS agenda.
Sadly, I would not put it past this Unconstitutional and criminal son of a bitch, either.
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