Let me set it up for you in this way from Rare. ...
"This past Sunday night, Miss America contestant and reigning Miss Colorado, Kelley Johnson went against the norm and performed an original monologue about her career in nursing. She told a story about an Alzheimer’s patient, Joe, who reminded her of why she chose to become a nurse. She told him she was “just a nurse” and had no control over his medications but he changed her outlook when he said she was more than just a nurse, she was his nurse and had completely changed his life because of her kindness and care during his treatment.
Cue the ladies of “The View.” On Monday, Michelle Collins mocked Miss Colorado saying, “she came in in a nurse’s uniform and basically read her emails out loud. And shockingly, she did not win.”
As if that wasn’t enough, Joy Behar added “why does she have the doctor’s stethoscope around her neck?”
"Nurse Hilary Helkenn took to Facebook on Monday to respond. She is an ER nurse with more than 20 years experience in Sacramento, CA and she wears her own stethoscope every day.
"See my stethoscope? It is a NURSE stethoscope too. I use it to listen to a child’s lungs, so I can quickly get them to the appropriate level of care, reassuring both child and parent. I also use it to listen to our elderly loved ones, who sometimes have aging hearts that go into abnormal rhythms. It is the NURSE that usually sees the patient first, and it is often the NURSE that notifies the doctor of what is going on."
So, NOW that the Dumb@$$÷$ of that piece of liberal garbage called "The View" and the equally dumb cackles who sat in the audience laughed uproariously at the rudest and dumbest @$$÷$ ever to appear on television, namely Michelle Collins and Joy Behar, $#!+ all over themselves, NOW want to walk it back.
Guess again, you dumb $#!+$. You can't. You said it for the effect of insulting one person, but you insulted an entire occupation. And their families.
I know I am but one voice, but I have many family members and friends who work in a profession none of the rest of us, or you Joy Behar, have the guts to even try. To me, these women and men, from the orderlies to the CNA'S right up to the Nursing Supervisors and Nurse Practitioners are all Angels of Mercy.
I can tell you as one who has spent more than a few minutes with nurses over the last five years or so, with all my issues, these people are so under-appreciated by so many people, it is so sad to watch. Most are assigned twelve-hour days for three days each week, but I have witnessed where many spend three hours or more, AFTER THEIR SHIFTS ARE DONE, to complete the paperwork needed for the records and because of overwhelming regulations, AND NOT GET PAID FOR THAT TIME.
I asked my family and friends if this were the usual practice and to a person, the answer was a resounding YES.

I hope to God (yes I said His name, you idiot censors) Collins and Behar and the rest of the idiots on that show never have need of a nurse. Or need to spend time in a hospital to visit loved ones who need a nurse's help.
Your walk-back was insufficient for the grave insults you cast upon these dedicated professionals. You are thoughtless and quite frankly, mean-spirited and hateful.
Next time you are quick to be funny, remember this: better to keep your big fat trap shut and let us think you are stupid, than open it and remove all doubt.
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