Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Subtle Attempt to Censor Criticism

Several of my liberal friends sent me feedback on a commentary I wrote earlier this week, called Matter of a Free Press in AmericaThis commentary discussed Barack Obama and his comments with regard to Fox News.

Now, in spite of what some people on both sides of the political spectrum think about my philosophical and political bent, I am not a conservative. Nor, am I a right wing nut. However. I am not a fan of Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama or ANYTHING he has done over the last 6 plus years.

If you think his comments this week concerning Fox was mere criticism and not a call for or even a hint of censorship, you are either sadly naive or willfully blind and deaf to the meaning of his words.

Apparently,  you have forgotten what Eric Holder and his Injustice Department did to the Associated Press, James Rosen and others all the way back in 2011 and 2012. To refresh, his goons were found to have wiretapped these entities and people because of negative reporting on Fast and Furious and other questionable activities of Barry's gang. And no one was punished, not even the Attorney General.

You can be sure that Barry, the alleged Constitutional Law Professor, was well aware of these unconstitutional violations of at least the First Amendment. As Howard Hunt said to John Dean regarding what Richard Nixon knew concerning Watergate, "Nothing is done without his knowledge or permission." The same can be said of Barry.

So when he says he wants to change what is being reported by Fox, he certainly is not making a suggestion or request. Keep this in mind, as well. The LSM rarely, if ever, reports negative information on the Obama Administration. And that bastion of liberal, socialist propaganda, MSNBCNEVER, EVER criticizes Obama at all. Instead, the "reporters" get thrills up their legs.

I am happy when someone criticizes my commentaries because he or she is exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech, as much as I am. I cherish this Amendment as it is the basis for all the others which follow.

My fear is that if Herr Obama succeeds in what I believe is his subliminal attempt to censor all criticism of him, his failing policies or the stooges who surround him, we won't know it happened because we did not want to appear "racist." Friends, I don't want jackboots trampling our Sacred Document, the Constitution of the United States.

Appearing to be racist because we criticize the Obama Regime is better than actually giving up our inherent Freedoms and Liberties many died to preserve and protect. They believed in the Oath they took to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution. At all costs, right up to the sacrifice of their lives.

Barry said the same words, but he cared only of his agenda to "fundamentally transform" America. The train is travelling faster and faster down that track and no one in the Congress has the guts to stop him.

I am off that train, friends; who will join me?

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