Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Why I Will Be Voting AGAINST Hillary Clinton

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So many subjects to talk about with only two weeks to go in, probably, the most divisive, angry, mean-spirited, and generally, pitiful Presidential election cycle in American history. Even the election of 1860 was not as bad as this one.

I have considered myself a person who appreciates a good debate between honest and decent people. But there has been nothing but vitriol and bitterness between the candidates. There is a lot of lying going on by both candidates, but no matter what Donald Trump says, or does, nothing can compare to being the person who left four Americans to die for no good reason in Benghazi, and then lied about it for political expediency.

That, my friends, is a truth which any decent and honest American can admit should disqualify Hillary Clinton from being elected President.

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No person deserves the vote to be our leader if that person hides behind a lie, and then, tries to blow it off with the statement"what difference, at this point, does it make", to a Congress who wanted a reasonable explanation for why four Americans died, when they could have been saved as the attack was just starting. After all, our base in Aviano in northern Italy is just an hour away and our base in Sigonella in Sicily is less than thirty minutes from Tripoli and Benghazi on Libya's shoreline. That person has no business to expect our vote.

I certainly will not be voting for her for just this reason alone. But this is my main reason, and that is my feeling. I don't care who her opponent would have been. I would be voting against her. Not for her opponent. But against her.

I am but one person and in the scheme of voting in America, my one vote doesn't mean all that much. But if sixty five million of my fellow Americans vote as I will, chances are that Hillary Clinton WILL NOT BE ELECTED President of the United States.

This was the number of votes the current occupant of the Oval Office received against his opponent in 2012, to easily win re-election, sixty five million to sixty million.
For those people who sincerely want a woman for President, I agree it is well overdue. But this is not the person we would want to fill that place in history. There are other more eminently qualified women in this country, who DID NOT NOR WOULD NOT LEAVE Americans to die in an embassy under attack for political expediency and then lie about it.

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So, my friends, please join me two weeks from today to vote against the one person in this country who has no business being elected President, Hillary Clinton. She should be, instead, running for Trustee of cell block six in Fort Leavenworth. That is where she belongs.

She is undeserving and definitely unqualified to be elected President of the United States.

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