How many people NEVER told a joke that would be considered "inappropriate"? Or, how many people NEVER, EVER watched even a few minutes of porn late at night? Or, finally, who didn't buy 80 million books of Fifty Shades of Grey? Show of hands, please?
How many of us didn't look at a member of the opposite sex and think, "Wow!" or "Hot!" or "Gotta get me some of that?"
I thought so.
We are ALL guilty of these indiscretions, in one form or another, and so many other things we KNOW we have done or said, but didn't get caught at it.
So, please, people, we need to grow up and realize that what Trump has said, has been said by all of us. Yes, we aren't running for the Office of President of the United States, but then his opponent ENABLED her husband with HIS "inappropriate" behavior before and LIED by saying the news stories of that time were nothing more than “a vast, right-wing conspiracy."
Really? In the New York Times and Washington Post? I don't think so.
Back to Trump and p#$$y-gate. He used a word that most men and many women have used to describe each other in our times of weakness, as in, "man, he (or she) is a big p#$$y." And as I recall, wasn't one of the characters on The Sopranos called that as his name? I remember hearing the day after an episode that people would talk about what Big Pussy did. In fact, let's ask Vincent Pastore about it.
And, by the way, when Trump said it, he was a private citizen, not a man in politics, who was in a locker room, having a private conversation with a friend. And today, I heard athletes who were interviewed by someone from the CBS News morning show say that this kind of talk NEVER goes on in their locker rooms. I will say categorically that anyone who said that and expects the rest of the lemmings to believe it are full of $#!+. I dare all those BS athletes to condemn the misogynistic gangsta rap they all listen to.
So, how does a tape of a random conversation which took place eleven years ago, suddenly, mysteriously, appear three weeks before this election? How was it sitting in a file cabinet somewhere, since 2005, just in case Donald Trump looked like he could beat Hillary Clinton in 2016? How is that possible? And when did the Washington Post decide it was now going to out-Inquirer the National Inquirer?
Doesn't anyone in the media find any of this suspicious? I mean, what are the freaking odds??
My bad. How silly of me. Of course they wouldn't. There is no integrity left in the media. They all forgot how to be journalists since about 1998, it seems. Instead, it is all about muck-raking.
And, as far as Paul Ryan and his righteous comments, well, Paul, you had no intention of supporting or voting for Trump anyway, so who cares what you think? Your fake support of Trump, after all your vacillating this summer, was all about your seat and your Speakership. Anyone with a quarter of a brain could see that.
I am not saying that Trump gets a pass, and I don't think he is saying that, either. The man has shown he is pretty much a stand-up guy, by admitting that he said it, realized he was wrong and asked for our forgiveness. I didn't hear him use the "let me make this clear. I did not have sexual relations with that woman" defense and lie right to us for six months. And then lie to a Grand Jury, too, while the current Democrat nominee lied to us, as well, by blaming talk radio and Fox News.
People, you are being distracted once again and being played the fools by the Establishment, which fears its demise if Trump gets elected. You know it. You have admitted it in the past. That was why Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump had so much support. Because they weren't part of the DC Establishment. Because their messages could be heard above the din of all the DC polite-speak, which was all bull $#!+ . The Clintonistas in the Democrat Party easily destroyed Sanders because he was running as a Democrat, and the rules they had created years ago, were written to protect the Establishment candidate.
And now, because the Queen of the Establishment was failing and was about to lose to an outsider, miraculously, WAPO revealed a tape which it obviously had months ago and could have certainly showed it to a concerned electorate BEFORE the Republican Convention in July. Instead, the bosses of the New Inquirer decided to wait in case it was more politically expedient.
Finally, to paraphrase a verse from the New Testament, I dare anyone who is without a blemish in their past to pick up that stone. Anyone? No? I don’t see a Saint Mother Theresa or Saint John Paul among us, nor would even they be vain enough to pick up that stone.

For all you Establishment hacks, please sit down and shut up. Your postulating and pontificating is getting old and boring. And your righteous, but dissembling, indignation is making the rest of us sick. Please go away until you can actually bring the rest of us something new, and beneficial.
For the rest of intelligent and honest America, let's finally get back to the real issues of this election. It is about time.
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