I am amazed how liberals who have called me a borderline racist for my anti-Obama posts are now flooding the Internet with Ben Carson's picture on a box of rice with the words "Uncle Ben's Instant Bull $#!+" emblazoned across the box. Uhm... NOW who is the "borderline racist" you hypocrites?
I admit I hate Obama. I gave him his honeymoon way back in 2009 until I saw that he truly meant what he said about fundamentally transforming America. I hate him, not because he is black, but because he is an Unconstitutional, Socialist, anti-American traitor.
In case you forgot, I initially wanted Allen West to run for President, and I wrote a commentary about that in May, 2015 called West/Fiorina - The Whys and Wherefores. But after listening to him state over and over that he would not run, I moved on. Trust me, he would be a good President, better than Obama ever was on his best day.
Oh, and don't forget I have criticized Bush, both of them, and Clinton, and even Carter, Ford and Nixon. I hated LBJ with a passion. As far as I can see, they were WHITE. So, don't you dare call ME a racist.
George Carlin, My Favorite Philosopher, who followed in the footsteps of Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl, never let an inept President out of his crosshairs. He was constantly criticizing our government and its leaders (not mine or ours) for its and their failures to govern as the Constitution intended - of, for and by the people. And as bad as I thought W was, especially near the end of his Presidency, Obama has been far worse.

I can only imagine what George Carlin would be saying about Obama, if he were still alive. Would you, all of you, who laughed at Carlin's criticism of Bush or Clinton etal, think that George Carlin was a racist if he criticized Obama? Carlin was a Great American in my book and he never displayed any racism in his comments. He was an Equal Opportunity Critic of all hypocrisy and government bull$#!+ no matter who the jerkweed was.
So, to all you liberals who claim to be for the tribulations of the Black people in our country, you are no better than the racists who run the KKK with all the anti-Carson trash you have posted. You have proven to me at least, that unless the Black man or woman is spewing your righteous, hypocritical bull$#!+, then it is ok to call Ben Carson, David Webb, Crystal Wright, Dr Tom Sewell or Allen West racist epithets, like Uncle Tom, or portray them in "slave" portraits like Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben.
You are as racist to me as David Duke or Unrev Al Sharpton. You, and the limousine liberals you emulate, have betrayed yourselves finally to be the closet racists I knew you were inside.
And you follow Obama, the biggest racist of all, even today as the flower is falling off the lily, like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I shake my head in disgust at you.
Huh, you say "flooded" but I don't think you know what that means. If you are searching out racist images by racists, regardless of political standing you will find them. Political party is not a pure thought demarcation. The truth is, as a southerner, raised in the south, and one who has also lived in liberal cities throughout the US, you are much likelier to find racist comments in conservative locations and on conservative news comments. The. End.
ReplyDeleteHuh, you say "flooded" but I don't think you know what that means. If you are searching out racist images by racists, regardless of political standing you will find them. Political party is not a pure thought demarcation. The truth is, as a southerner, raised in the south, and one who has also lived in liberal cities throughout the US, you are much likelier to find racist comments in conservative locations and on conservative news comments. The. End.
ReplyDeleteFyi George Carlins wife has stated many times that George liked Obama..