Someone posted a meme and article from Conservative Post to Facebook which insinuated that we are now witnessing the beginning of WWIII. I disagree.
In my view, WWIII was the Cold War: Korea, Vietnam, Angola, the various wars between Arabs and Israel. It pitted the US and the USSR against each other through proxy nations without going nuclear. I believe we are well into WWIV which will not end without a nuclear attack by one of the participants in the war ongoing in the Middle East.

The ISIS shoot-down of a Russian airliner, back in October, was the start of the latest phase in the ongoing battle of the West against the butchery of ISIS. For the last year or so, the United States sporadically bombed known ISIS locations without critically impacting its ability to continue to wreak havoc and terrorize Christians, Yadzis and non-conforming Muslims in the region.
Then, earlier this month, the terrorist attacks in Paris made Europe realize that the invasion of radical Islamists was in high gear. Within the last week, Russia accused Turkey, which is a secret supporter of ISIS, of shooting down a Russian Su-24 jet. Turkey responded that the jet crossed into Turkish airspace, while Russia maintained that the jet was still in Syrian airspace.
Turkey, as a member of NATO, is considering invoking Article 5 which would require other NATO powers to come to its aid should Russia retaliate.
The key section of the NATO treaty is Article 5. Its commitment clause defines the casus foederis, or the event upon the occurrence. It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state to be an armed attack against them all. Presently, twenty-eight nations comprise NATO.
Ironically, WWI ultimately started because diplomacy between the combatants in that war failed after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist. This caused the Ottoman Empire, which is now Turkey, Syria and other modern-day Middle East countries, to ally itself with the Central Powers of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. History has that nasty habit of repeating itself, doesn't it?
This time, however, there are nations which possess the ability to bring a real nightmare to the region, including, Russia and its allies, Israel, the United States and its allies, and others who possess the bomb. Cooler heads need to prevail or we could be looking at an unmitigated disaster to all mankind. The deaths which occurred in all the wars of the 20th century would be dwarfed by comparison to the deaths which could potentially occur should all-out war break out in Syria and the rest of the region, which ISIS calls the Levant, the area which runs from Turkey southward to the Egyptian Sinai and east to Iraq-Iran border.
The participants of WWI did not realize the rapidity of the downward slope to war until they were well into it. And as of this writing, we are well on the way to the bottom of the slippery slope as WWIV is quickly heating up.
It is time for world leaders to exercise real leadership or WWV will be the war fought with radioactive sticks and stones. If anyone is able to survive the clouds caused by the fog of the coming war, that is mankind's future.
St John the Evangelist and his Revelation Prophesy will have precisely called the Battle of Tel Meggiddo... or Armageddon.
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