I used to be a devoted fan of Fox News daytime from 6 am until 7 pm. But in December, I read that the King of Saudi Arabia and his family owned a large minority share of this property. At that point, I decided I was no longer going to watch Fox.
I certainly didn't go running to MSNBC or CNN for my daily fix for information. Instead, I decided to rely on blurbs across my phone from various sources, like The New York Times, the LA Times, the Sacramento Bee, and the Boston Herald, all not exactly right-wing news sources.
In addition, in order to see news with a more moderate or conservative bent, I also looked at Conservative Tribune, Tea Party News and other sources. That would make ME "Fair and somewhat Balanced".
So, as I said, I am no longer a fan of Fox. But I am a fan of a Free Press. As you may recall, that is one of those pesky five Freedom concepts you will find in the First Amendment, along with Speech, Assembly, Religion, and Petition of the Government for a Redress of Grievances.
Perhaps, someone needs to remind the alleged Constitutional Law Professor of this small detail. He certainly never read the First Amendment, or if he did, he doesn't understand why it is first.
This week, he defiantly claimed that someone (him) needs to rein in Fox News because it is overly critical of him and his socialist programs. Tried as I might, I couldn't find this story anywhere in the Lame Steam Media, all of which is in his pocket, lapdogging his every utterance.

Except this. In the interest of total disclosure, I am forced to tell you that this story was found in the Conservative Tribune and confirmed only in the Washington Examiner.
In his effort to call for Fox's censorship, he sounds more like an emperor or king and less like the President of the United States. Too bad the editors and publishers of all our other media sources aren't coming to Fox's defense. I guess these gutless fools are just glad it's not them or their news properties. They are collectively staying under the radar to avoid King Barry's wrath, hmmm?
While I may not care for the editorial policies of the Times, CBS, WaPo or even Newsday here on Long Island, I am a true believer in Freedom of the Press. Too bad the management of these entities are not. Otherwise, they too would be reaming Barry for his blasphemy.
Our media needs to realize that they must stand together in support of ALL our news resources, or surely, someday, they may find themselves ripped apart by some future President who will succeed where Barry has not yet done so. My fear, though, is that he might succeed yet in his quest to stifle the one critic brave enough to call him out for his unconscionable and unconstitutional behavior.
Then, what will the Times or NBC say then? Are we next?
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