My good friend, the late New York City Mayor Ed Koch, is rolling in his grave today. He and I discussed his endorsement of Barack Obama for a second term, and in the end, he decided to endorse him.
He did so on the promise from Obama that he would support Israel through the peace process and in his dealings with Iran and the Muslim world. Based on that promise, Ed endorsed him and brought with him the majority of America's Jewish voters to vote for Obama over Mitt Romney.
I was emphatic with my disagreement, trying to persuade the Mayor not to endorse him for another term. I told him once Barry was re-elected, his support for Israel would dry up.
Well, today folks, I read the article I am sharing in this link, from United With Israel. Our UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, announced this week that the Obama Administration is considering putting forward anti-Israeli resolutions in the Security Council. Just know this: the US UN Ambassador cannot even breathe unless the President of the United States approves it. That person works directly for the President, no matter who he or she is.
Barry has indicated he will not talk to Benjamin Netanyahu until the Iranian nuclear agreement is resolved, and both he and SecState John "I was for it before I was against it" Kerry have called Israel's Iranian concerns nothing but "hysteria".
That's right, friends. The President of the United States and his Number One Flunkie are true, blue anti-Semites. If YOU can't see it, well, then you haven't being paying attention. Or, your silence is condoning this undemocratic behavior being done in YOUR name. I certainly won't condone such disgusting behavior in mine.
I am, as my friend Ed was, a staunch supporter of Israel. Unlike Ed, though, I am not Jewish. I am a Christian, a believer in the greatest Jew who ever lived. And anyone who calls himself or herself the same, MUST BE a supporter of Our Lord's homeland and people. The Israelis protect the symbols and cities of Christian worship on their own, out of respect for us. Could you imagine if the Israelis weren't there, the destruction that would already have taken place to ancient Christian artifacts and graves?
We need to raise our voices to the Anti-Semite who resides in the White House to cease and desist his abhorrent behavior, in order to curry favor with terrorists and criminals. This is truly Un-Christian of him. If he were really a Christian, he would understand this. But, he isn't.
And the stooges that work for him have no guts or b@!!$ to stop him, either. As happened in the 1930s, FDR and his advisors chose to ignore what was happening in Germany and Europe until it was too late.
It is time for us to stand for Israel. Who will join me?
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