Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where have all the Leaders Gone? Long Time Ago

There are times when a writer draws a blank, unable to find the inspiration in his usual suspects. For me, I have a plethora of online newspaper apps on my phone which I use as referral tools.

In addition, during the day I generally have Fox News playing in the background from early in the morning, like 5 AM, starting with Fox and Friends First,  right through a to a show called The Five.

So on Tuesday, after dinner, I sat down and went through the online apps. Needless to say, nothing. Nada.  I couldn't find anything which interested me, and if I'm not interested in a story, there is nothing I can do to make you feel interested in that story, either.

Certainly, just about anything Jay Carney says these days are fodder for me to write something snarky about him, but like Ron Ziegler 40 years before him, after a while even that grows tiresome. He has lost all respect of the White House Press Corps, a powerful fraternity to which he once belonged, but now will be forever ostracized because he has lost all credibility.

Then, there is Joe Biden, the great gift that keeps on giving to late night comedy writers everywhere. Every time he opens his mouth, a new faux pas pops out and surprises even him. He is as astounded as his audience. And looks itMaybe he has a career in stand-up when this gig is up. You never know.

Or Barry. Man, he has become a ghost, almost the ghost of Richard Nixon. Oh, yeah, he comes out of his protective cocoon, like Nixon did, babbling about nonsense, like Nixon did, trying unsuccessfully to act Presidential. Instead, again like Nixon did, he sounds more like he doesn't even believe the nonsense he is spewing himself and neither do we anymore, not that we ever did.

The supporting cast, well, you know them as Nancy, Steny, Harry, Chucky and Dickie for the Democrat "leadership"; and Eric, Mitch and Kevin for the Republican crowd. To me, they have become the Clowns of Congress. Can you respect any of these fools anymore? Neither can I.

But, you cannot forget the most powerful (?) man in this group. Yes, that's right, folks.               “H-e-e-e-r-e's Johnny!”  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the ringleader of this esteemed group of stooges (apologies to Moe, Larry and Curley) the one, the only, Weeper of the House, WEEPER JOHN! So grim. So perfectly fitting! The Grim Weeper!!

This is what represents us and our country to the rest of the world. No wonder Vlad the Impaler has no plans to back down from his goal of Eurasian and perhaps, European domination. I mean, who is afraid of Bozo?

That's what we look like now to the world. After all, who looks up to a clown for guidance?  “Am I funny? Why? Do I amuse you?”  (courtesy: Goodfellas) Sadly, quite the opposite. This is just so pitiful.

We don't have leaders anymore. We have, instead, the sorriest bunch of buffoons and egotists that ever disgraced the halls of Congress or disrespected the Oval Office. Not one of them deserves or is qualified to sit in the office he or she presently holds.

As I said, I couldn't find any inspiration today from any of my usual suspects, my phone news apps. But the fools in Washington can give you that help, just because they are all fools. That is the saddest part of this commentary.

Too bad I couldn't find anything to write aboutImagine if I did.

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