Monday, May 19, 2014

The General, the President, the Failure of Duty

It is a shame that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs has no regard for its primary client, the American veteran. Sadly, as we have seen with other federal agencies under this administration, there will be no accountability, other than the dismissal of an administrator who was scheduled to retire next week.

Is that how Barry and the boys want to play this? That this is "unacceptable" and will get "to the bottom of this" latest Obama scandal?

Where have we heard that line of "I got caught but I am blameless" diatribe? The IRS? NSA? GAO? FAST AND FURIOUS? AP? ROSEN? BENGHAZI?  The list goes on!

General Eric Shinseki, as reported in various media, including the ARMY TIMES via USA Today, has been aware of this unfolding failure of compliance for years, since he is the person who has the final review and approval of the GAO reports. Apparently, he also is finding this behavior in the various VA hospitals "unacceptable" (there is that word again) NOW. Why wasn't it "unacceptable" for the last five years?

Was it because he and his team were finally found to be unprepared and, ultimately, incompetent? And only Under Secretary Dr Petzel is the one to bear the consequences of this incompetence? And he was scheduled to retire on May 31? Please! Spare us another gratuitous line of false anger, Barry!

English: Eric K. Shinseki, Official portrait a...
English: Eric K. Shinseki, Official portrait as Chief of Staff of the Army (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Why isn't General Shinseki also being dismissed? Does he know too much about some of the failures and why they were permitted to occur? Was he, as a good soldier, following orders from his deceitful, dissembling and incompetent Commander in Chief? 

In the meantime, the doctors, nurses and administrators at the various hospitals altered documents, reports, schedules, etc., and because the statistics looked better than the reality, what was that result? Of course, my friends, bonuses for everyone! Just like at the IRS, the GAO and elsewhere.

In my view, if one wants to work for a bonus program as part of a total compensation package, perhaps working in private industry is the way to go. Then, you can be held accountable for your incompetence and failure to comply with the rules and regulations; and be fired for it. 

Certainly, this latest scandal just proves that the government could save billions of dollars annually by immediately eliminating ANY BONUS PROGRAM FOR ANY FEDERAL EMPLOYEE, not just the VA.

What about the families of the veterans whose lives ended so tragically without any proper medical treatment or end of life care? Will there be compensation for them? Probably not, since miraculously, there is no documentation other than the family member's word. Good job, Barry! You hate the military anyway, so this is ok in your little book. 

Friends, if you think this is an incompetence scandal exclusive to the VA and America's veterans, think again. This is the model of the federal program that will affect each of us under that panacea, lovingly called "Obamacare". Remember when Barry said during the 2012 campaign that he was "proud to have my name attached to" this piece of garbage? Well, this is what it will look like on a broad national level. Now we really know what was in that "signature piece of legislation."

Finally, how can the Lame Stream Media continue to stand idly by, knowing full well that the men and women who fought for the freedom of the press are being abused by a corrupt and totally incompetent administration? Will this FINALLY be the straw that forces the LSM to take a long, hard look at the gilded lily, to admit that the blooms have fallen off the bouquet of thorns? 

I hope so. Americans have lost faith in the Fourth Estate over its failure to report on all the scandals of this administration since January 20, 2009. What will it take for it finally to do its job, if not reporting EVERYTHING it knows about the mistreatment of our cherished veterans by Barry and his boys?

If not this... then what?

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