Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Secret Service Needs an Overhaul


The United States, and Donald Trump, dodged a bullet this past Saturday evening. There is no pun intended here; instead, it is an actuality which almost destroyed our country forever.

At 6:11 that evening (more on that later), once again, someone with real issues was able to take a legally owned rifle from his home, go to Home Depot to buy, presumably a ladder, and climb the one roof which was not protected by the Secret Service.  Incredible!

But then, Donald Trump, who is 6’3”, was protected by someone at least six inches shorter or more than himself. It doesn’t matter whether the protector was a man or woman. The fault was how the Secret Service assigned the protectee his protection.

Logically, he should have had a person more to his size and build on his detail.  I mean, how is a person shorter than you going to protect YOU? It isn’t going to happen. You will be injured at a minimum, like President Trump was, and could be killed. 

In addition, the entire timeline leading up to this event was filled with poor planning, and so was the immediate aftermath and response. While it was fortunate that he wasn’t killed, the agents on hand allowed him to stand up and become an immediate target for a second shot. That image was not only inspiring to the crowd and the nation, but it was also the worst image for the Secret Service.

When Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981, the image we saw was the agents assigned to him throwing (pushing) the President into the car and making sure he was safe. He was not permitted to stand up, pick up his shoes and fist bump the crowd.

This was another failure on the part of Trump’s detail. And knowing that an agent had a clear shot at the would-be assassin for three minutes BEFORE he was able to pull the trigger, makes me wonder why the agent was ordered to stand down. The superior officer needs to be held accountable for THAT.

This could have been another JFK event, but fortunately it wasn’t. A complete review of the entire episode MUST BE forthcoming, or new conspiracy theories will abound. 

Thankfully, President Trump will live and fight another day, and Americans everywhere will have their choice be heard in November, not made by a sick person on a roof in July.

As for the significance of the time? Psalm 6:11 reads Let all my enemies be ashamed and together be greatly troubled. I am a spiritual person, and I know divine intervention saved Donald Trump Saturday to serve a greater purpose.

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