Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Cloak and Dagger Political Intrigue


Political intrigue has been a hallmark of human existence, and one could look as far back as Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, or Richard Cromwell, Jefferson Davis, Fulgencio Batista, or Nikita Khrushchev, Richard Nixon, Manuel Noriega, or Mikhail Gorbachev, and even Sadaam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak or Muammar Gaddafi to find examples supporting this point. Or even elsewhere.

 Even as recently as 2022 and 2023, we have seen Imran Khan and Pedro Castillo replaced as leaders of their respective nations. In some cases, one could argue that these coup d’etats were necessary for the survival of the countries they led, and in many others, it was done because other individuals thought they could do it all better. Of course, it is always one’s view if you agree or disagree with the reasoning provided.

Now, we are watching members of President Biden’s own party looking to replace him as the head of the Party ticket this election cycle because these individuals have suddenly decided he is no longer mentally or physically able to lead. Until his debate with Donald Trump, Party leaders have claimed he was, while admitting he slowed down over the years, still capable to lead our country over the next four years as a person in his mid-80s when his term was done.

Suddenly, now that is not the case. Instead, many Members of Congress, Governors and even city and town leaders in the Democrat Party are calling, no, begging him to step aside. But there are others, like Nancy Pelosi who are working behind the scenes to overthrow him while publicly still cheering him on. I am sure that former President Obama, who publicly continues to support him, has privately approved writing Op-Ed pieces by Democrat supporters like George Clooney and Rob Reiner, calling for Biden to step away.

But this has forced Biden to dig in his heels in a state of intransigence, and his wife “Dr” Jill Cruella Deville to rebel and call out those same party leaders. This will not end well for the Bidens. Nor, actually, for the Democrats, either. Party fratricide will ensue. And you can take it to the bank that President Trump WILL BE re-elected by historic margins, while the Democrats will lose the Senate and lose even more seats in the House.

Because for all our faults, American do not like cloak-and-dagger politics. Instead, we desire always to work for altruistic ideals.

 And right now, the Democrats are failing.

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