Thursday, February 27, 2025

Krazy Kat Is Clawing for a Kat-Fight

Once again, Governor Krazy Kat Hochul is showing the world how inept a governor she really is. And she is using the no-rating MSLSD cable no-news channel to make her case.
It was reported today that the Top Political Dumb@$$ is demanding that President Trump cough up $15Bn to New York State to offset the totally unpopular (except for her and the MTA Crook Leiber) congestion pricing rip-off to pay for the missing shortfall in the MTA budget to pay for upgrades to the subway system.

The Dumbocrat said she gave Trump an “ultimatumduring their White House sit-down late last week, telling him he would need to dip into US coffers to offset the billions the state is estimated to lose if the congestion toll is nixed. Yeah, Trump is shaking in his shoes now.

You’re gonna have to give me $15 billion to invest in a subway system, then,” Hochul told MSNBC’sMorning Joe” of her closed-door meeting with the president on Wednesday. Not too smartKrazy Kat, to reveal a confidential conversation. But then, she decided she would go full-out b!+ch.

If I lose $15 billion that we’re able to leverage with the money brought in by congestion pricing, then I won’t be able to fix the stations and the repairs and the new buses I need.”

Uhm. That’s on YOU, Krazy Kat. You will lose this argument, and your re-election big-time if you think that tactic is going to work with the man you need to help revitalize Penn Station, the Garden and other refurbishments on your fanciful wish list.

But then, you are just out to prove you are just a stupid DUMB@$$. Aren’t you. And going on "Morning Joe" with your gutter-brain attitude is just proving the point.

Funny thing about having a bit of political savvy. You can get more when you drip and dip your words with honey than spit them out with vinegar. Apparently, you must have missed that class as you kissed your way up the political ladder.

So, keep on doing what you are doing because you do it so well. Keep on “Kat-fighting” with the one person who could help you. After all, you have one follower on your side of your stupidity in the Maine Governor, Janet Mills, who is following your lead on how to destroy the state you are elected to govern.

Then, on January 1, 2027, Governor Ritchie Torres will try to clean up the political mess you have made by dissing President Trump today.

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