So now the Office and new President of the
United States is fair game by the Hollyweird crowd because a leftist doesn't
hold the office anymore? For the last eight years, if someone mocked, criticized or
otherwise poked fun of the soon-to-be-gone officeholder, that person was considered and
called a racist, xenophobe, classless or other disparaging remark because he or she said something negative
about Barry Hussein.
Hey, all
you high-powered, faux-tolerant, "entertainers": Here is a newsflash for you - shut up and sit down. Middle
America does not care what you think or care about your
political opinions anymore, if we ever did. You are a bunch of snobbish,
elite jerkweeds who act like you know what you are talking about, but
have no idea whatsoever.
And the keyword in
that sentence is "ACT",
because that's what you can do relatively fine for the most part. But when you speak without a script, you
sound as illiterate as your socialist
hero without his teleprompter.

Hey, Meryl and George and Ben and Jimmy and
Barbara, we love your movies, your comedy and your
songs but we don't love your opinions.
are like @$$holes: we all have one. But we don't need to hear or see yours. Having a platform
like you had on Sunday doesn't give you the right to pontificate.
So, I think it is time
for all of you to follow the advice Laura Ingraham offered in her book, Shut Up and Sing. Your job is to entertain and that is all. You don't
have the right to use an awards show to
share your political opinions. You should get up onto the stage, accept your awards and say thank you. And that's it.
You need to be gracious and polite, not
rant about blah blah blah blah. We don't watch these shows to hear what you think about politics or religion, or
what you believe is YOUR sense of righteousness. If it continues,
we will stop buying your music, watching your movies and tuning in to your TV
shows. Your ratings will dive right into the toilet.
Take heed, celebrities. Or then, omigosh, there will
be no more awards for you, either.
Just Shut Up and Sing.
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