Picking a
Cabinet: It is the most important visible action a new President can do. It lays
out for all to see where the new President is going to take this country.

names for these key positions have been floated, which were reported in today's
New York Times. I hope that Chris
Christie's is only for a "pat on the back" and not
really being considered.
If I were choosing and
advising President -Elect Trump, I would
offer the following people for the posts indicated:
State John Bolton, former UN Ambassador
Defense Allen West, former Congressman and retired Lt Colonel, Army
Treasury Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota Governor
Justice Rudolph Giuliani, former Mayor, NYC and former US Attorney, NY or
Jeanine Pirro, former Westchester DA and former District Court Judge
Interior Jan Brewer, former Arizona Governor
Agriculture Sam Brownback, Kansas Governor
Commerce Kelly Ayotte, outgoing NH Senator
HHS Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon
Labor Victoria Lipnic, EEO Commissioner
Energy Joe Manchin, Senator, West Virginia
Education Williamson Evers, Hoover institution Education Expert
HUD Shaun Donovan, former HUD Secretary
VA Michael T Flynn, retired Lt General
DHS Michael McCaul, Chairman, House Homeland Security Committee
UN Ambassador Richard Grennell, former US UN spokesman for several Ambassadors
CIA Stanley McChrystal, former Senior Military Commander, Afghanistan
EPA Jeffrey Holmstead, former Deputy EPA Administrator
Natl Security Advisor Kathleen Troia (KT) McFarland, former Assistant Secretary of Defense, former National Security Council Staff Member
Defense Allen West, former Congressman and retired Lt Colonel, Army
Treasury Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota Governor
Justice Rudolph Giuliani, former Mayor, NYC and former US Attorney, NY or
Jeanine Pirro, former Westchester DA and former District Court Judge
Interior Jan Brewer, former Arizona Governor
Agriculture Sam Brownback, Kansas Governor
Commerce Kelly Ayotte, outgoing NH Senator
HHS Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon
Labor Victoria Lipnic, EEO Commissioner
Energy Joe Manchin, Senator, West Virginia
Education Williamson Evers, Hoover institution Education Expert
HUD Shaun Donovan, former HUD Secretary
VA Michael T Flynn, retired Lt General
DHS Michael McCaul, Chairman, House Homeland Security Committee
UN Ambassador Richard Grennell, former US UN spokesman for several Ambassadors
CIA Stanley McChrystal, former Senior Military Commander, Afghanistan
EPA Jeffrey Holmstead, former Deputy EPA Administrator
Natl Security Advisor Kathleen Troia (KT) McFarland, former Assistant Secretary of Defense, former National Security Council Staff Member
Some will see this as just
Donald Trump surrendering to the Establishment. I see it
as this: The smartest man in the room is only the smartest because he surrounds
himself with people smarter than himself.

That is what JFK did and that's what Reagan
did, too. I hope Donald Trump learns THAT from history. The Muse will always show the way. Only
the brightest see that light.
For today,
Clio’s light is shining very bright.
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