Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee have suspended their campaigns for the Republican nomination and Martin O'Malley suspended his for the Democrat nomination. Smart men all.
Iowa doesn't necessarily pick the winners, but it has a unique way to make losers see their futilty.
Now it is time for several others to see the light. Jeb? Kasich? Christie? Gilmore? Carly? Your quest was honorable, but now it is time to walk away.
So, the Republican candidates left should be Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Carson. This has been for weeks what the polls have shown. And Iowa solidified it, at least for the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, and the Nevada caucus. Then, it will be time to get it down to the final three.
For the Democrats, the inevitable contest between a self-described Socialist and an unaccomplished, potential criminal are the choices. Good luck with THAT.
The bottom line is this: the next month or so will settle the 2016 final nominees in each party because thirty six states and territories will have primaries or caucuses between now and March 15. Some of the larger states with huge delegate counts, and "winner take all" states are included.

It is time to buckle up and start the big slide down to the end of the primary season and see who is left to lead us through the election and to 2017. Hold on tight, because here we go. Are you ready?
The American people are.
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