Right now, we are divided. Liberals are blind in their love for all things Obama says, while conservatives can't stand anything he says or does. And that works to the government's advantage while it systematically takes away our freedoms.
Someone posted yesterday a meme which essentially said that conservatives hate Obama because he is black. No, that isn't the reason. He is hated because he has shown that he is anti-American in the way he tries at every turn to divide us.
We haven't been this divided since the Civil War, and that was geographic. Even in the 60s, it wasn't this bad. We are divided within our own families, friends, neighborhoods. All by class and race. We have had issues, but we worked through them. Now, we don't know what the word compromise means anymore.
He promised to "fundamentally change America" and he has done a pretty good job of accomplishing his goal. But, as a reasonable person, do you think it has been changed for the BETTER?
When unarmed Americans are protesting government abuse AND are facing a platoon of agents from the Bureau of Land Management, an agency of the Office of the President, holding heavy artillery to bully those exercising their right of Free Speech, do you think this is NORMAL?
When the President of the United States stands for the "injustice" done by a cop in Ferguson against a known criminal, by sending representatives to the criminal's funeral, and then HIS Justice Department finds that the cop did nothing wrong to warrant an indictment against the cop, and doesn't apologize for HIS mistake, is that NORMAL?
Or, when a Major in the US Army systematically kills 13 unarmed people and wounds dozens of others, while screaming the same words our enemies scream while killing their victims, and the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces decides to call this act of treason "workplace violence", is that NORMAL?
When the President of the United States indifferently addresses the country about the violent act of beheading done to one of our unarmed citizens by our enemy, while wearing a suit jacket, tie and his golf pants, and within minutes of that address is seen teeing off and fist bumping with Alonzo Mourning and others, is that NORMAL?
Or, when a US Ambassador and his team are killed, raped and otherwise mutilated by sworn enemies of our country, and the President of the United States runs off to Las Vegas for a fund-raising event, then sends his UN Ambassador out to spin a false narrative of a video and never admits his mistake, is that NORMAL?
These are but five examples of his divisive and inept stewardship of this country. I could go on but even those with their heads in the sand know there are so many more examples of his poor and disgraceful "leadership". It would almost be a book if I cited all of them.
We are divided because the person elected to lead us has always acted in an "us against them" environment. He made his bones pitting people against each other as a slimy Community Organizer from Chicago. And, he has run this country, in his mind successfully, in the same, disgusting, divisive manner.
As I write this, there are 369 1/2 days left in his Administration. Who knows what other disasters will befall us until he finally, mercifully leaves office?

Just let me make one more point. His campaign to "fundamentally change" this country will soon end. But, will he be here to live with the rest of us as we dig out from the mess he leaves behind? The rumor is that he has aides looking at property for him and his family in Dubai, where he allegedly plans to settle sometime next year.
So, no. He will not be here. Instead, he will be many thousands of miles away from the disaster he created. And, we will still be here trying to fix it.
I just hope we can finally become united once again. Perhaps our disdain for him will be the reason we come together as Americans; not black or white Americans, gay or straight Americans, conservative or liberal Americans. Just Americans.
That would be the best legacy he could leave behind, that we are united in spite of him.
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