Recently, I had the pleasure to watch two great movies released well over seventy years ago, Yankee Doodle Dandy with James Cagney and Mr Smith Goes to Washington with James Stewart. Today, neither of these movies would be made because we have, as an American society, become jaded about expressing our patriotism and our love of country.
I will say this: I have not become jaded or worn out to discuss my love of country, nor my utmost honor and respect for our most Sacred Document, the Constitution of the United States.
I believe most Americans feel as I do, but they also feel embarrassed by the fact that the Lame Stream Media ridicules our patriotism. It amazes me that Hollywood used to be able to take a simple concept and give Americans a two hour civics lesson, as exemplified in these two films.
Now, instead, they look to make patriots look like fascist kooks. Why is that? Could it be that the liberals who control Hollywood find patriotism a concept beneath their intelligence, their elitism?
And, of course, Hollywood feels secure in its position because those who control the Lame Stream Media believe as the Hollywood crowd does.
It's too bad. The movies I mentioned touch the very fabric of what made us great.

Yankee Doodle, through the songs of George M Cohan, remind us that in the end, Life, Liberty and even the Pursuit of Happiness are our founding guideposts, our beacons of light to shine each day on our icons. Cagney was no singer, hardly. But you could feel his emotion and love of country come through as he recited the words of probably the most patriotic songs ever written. And danced his way down the White House steps, to words and music written from the heart and soul of a very patriotic American.
Stewart was equal to the task as he defied the party bosses and corrupt Congressional leadership, playing the part of Jefferson Smith, to expose the manner in which influence peddling and money bought off some Senators to vote a certain way. He used a tactic called "filibuster" as he stood for hours to control the Senate floor until the truth of his position was finally revealed.
Maybe it is time to make movies like these again. I know the majority of Americans feel as I do, that to be patriotic is not some corn-ball, backward, or uneducated emotional, dimwitted concept.
Perhaps, we should begin to insist that those who make millions selling their messages of "acceptable" carefree and wanton behavior once in a while give us what we want: the message of love of country, flag and apple pie.
Remember, he who controls the gold makes the rules.
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