Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Changing Season of Autumn

Today is September 1, Meteorological Fall’s first day. It is the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, and cool, cool nights are soon coming, letting us know Summer is on the wane.
Pumpkin spice is the fragrance of the season, whether in Michael's, or Joann's Fabrics or even in your coffee at Starbucks, Dunkin’ or Tim Horton's. IHOP and Waffle House have pumpkin pancakes with melted white icing, and Sam Adams has Octoberfest and Pumpkin Ale  available.

Cinnabon is in the act with deals and steals on boxes of its favorite pastries, while you are bombarded by the smells of Fall in grocery stores and your local bakeries. Soon Costco and every place else will be featuring pumpkin pie, and Baskin and Robbins will be serving up Egg Nog ice cream for the ice cream connoisseur.

Baseball is setting up for the playoffs and World Series, while football is already being played in the NFL, Colleges and High Schools. Soon hockey and basketball will also be played, which makes for an exciting sports season for everyone.

Home Depot and Lowes are selling Fall flowers and Halloween animatronics already, while featuring yard cleanup tools and machines. And trees in the northern climes are beginning to change colors.

Yes, My Friends. It is the Season of the Witch, the season between Summer and Winter. The season of the greatest change in our climate. Many people love this time of year. And it ends with a Big Feast in November.

And by the way, if we are talking about witches, and turkeys, can Santa be far behind?

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