Sunday, September 1, 2024

More Hateful Harris-Biden Hypocrisy

“I am devastated and outraged,” Joe Biden said in a statement. “Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.”
Empty, hollow words were uttered by Biden when the latest six hostages’ dead bodies of the October 7 kidnapping by Hamas of the Israeli music festival attendees were discovered and recovered by the IDF on Saturday, August 31.

In the thirty-eight days short of a year since the Hamas terrorists took so many hostages, Biden has done NOTHING to assist in the rescue of these innocent victims of such heinous terror. And neither has Kammy. Except to criticize Benjamin Netanyahu. And SUPPORT Anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world.

Hell, they even sympathized with the anti-semitic protests on American college and university campuses by students AND FACULTY, supporting their FREE-SPEECH rights. Then, they invited the parents of Hersh Goldberg-Poli, age 23, one of yesterday’s victims, to speak at the Democrat Convention last month, while doing NOTHING to stop the hate speech going on outside the Convention.

And just for the record, the other victims are Eden Yerushalmi (24), Carmel Gat (39), Almog Sarusi (26), Alex Lubnov (32), and Ori Danino (25).

So, yes. Empty and hollow words by Biden. And Kamala Harris has proven she HATES Israel by her ACTlONS and her DEEDS.

I have no use for either of these hateful and bigoted hypocrites. Biden professes to be a devout Catholic while promoting the support of MURDER of INNOCENTS by his inaction. And Harris claims that racism should be punished while she cryptically SUPPORTS THE KILLING OF JEWS by Hamas and their accolytes.

If you vote for Harris in November, then as far as I and many others who support Israel are concerned, you are no better than those who gassed the JEWS in Nazi Germany. You are truly anti-semitic.

And you can go to Hell, too.

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