Friday, July 19, 2024

The MAGA Campaign Begins Today

The Republican Convention is over. If you look at it with a discerning eye, you will come away knowing it was an unmitigated success.

But of course, the liberal, biased mouthpiece for the Democrat Party, you know, the Lame Stream (legacy) Media, will report otherwise because with extremely few exceptions, they will tell you that, especially the last night when Donald Trump accepted his party's nomination, that he went off script to provide some real, unedited commentary. Why should it matter, you ask? Because he is Donald Trump and NEVER follows what others expect him to. 

He was criticized by the media for not expressing more about Unity. And why should he? After all, his soon-to-be predecessor spoke of unity Saturday night hours after the attempted assassination on Trump’s life, and within less than two days, he was ripping Trump apart worse than he did just prior to the would-be assassin’s gun discharged two bullets  into two innocent bystanders, injuring them, a third, killing a man protecting his family and into Trump himself, almost killing him, too.

So, no, I say to the media. Sit down and shut up unless you are prepared to report the news without offering your opinions. No one cares what you think. 

His speech highlighted his past accomplishments from his first term, his successor’s failures and his goals for his second term. That is the essence of what any acceptance speech is. Yes, it was long, but so what? Did anyone in the media have plans other than the convention last night? 

Will the media be as critical to the Democrats next month? It doesn’t matter whether it is Joe Biden or another candidate the Democrats advance to face Trump in the election.  The answer is a resounding “No”. That candidate’s convention will be reported like the Second Coming of God Almighty coming to save us from our own trials and tribulation for even thinking Donald Trump is the better candidate.

I said in an earlier commentary that I will be voting for the Trump-Vance ticket. And I will NOT be voting for ANY Democrat for the House or Senate, either. Any resemblance to the party of John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman or even Jimmy Carter is in name only and not to their patriotic ideals.

So, let us get rolling my friends. There are only 109 days until Election Day and to have our voices be heard. Yell it loud and yell it proud:

I am MAGA and Trump-Vance WILL Make America Great Again.

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