Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israel and Its Right to Peacefully Exist

I support Israel. I make no bones about it. I am a proud defender of Israel's right to exist.

I am not Jewish, although I have Jewish cousins and friends, some of whom feel differently than I do. And that surprises me.

When I ask why they don’t support Israel, the responses are varied.  “They are bullies.” Or, “They were given land which was owned by others.” Or, “They are using American tax dollars to subjugate the Palestinians.” But most of all, no matter what they claim for their indifference, non-support, or outright hatred of our only real, democratically elected  ally in the Middle East, to a person they also say, “I hate Netanyahu.” Or words like that.

Really? Are you going to let your hatred of one man be THE reason you won’t support Israel? The land which was the ancient home of Jews? The land where three major religions were founded and call home? The land that has been fought over by many different political conquerors for five millenia? The land where Moses was given the Ten Commandments? The land where Jesus Christ was born,  lived, and died? The land where Mohammed ascended into Heaven? The land which, according to many prophets, will be the location of the Final War or Armegeddon? 

That Israel?

As Americans, part of our belief system is based in Judaic tradition. All men are created with the inalienable rights of life and liberty. Justice for all. Freedom to pursue our dreams. A free republican form of government which holds democratic principles dear. And will fight anyone who tries to take it away from us.

That is the American tradition. And the traditions of Israel.

Get a hold of yourselves, people. We are founded on Judaic-Christian principles, which supports ALL people to live here. Peacefully. And wait! So does Israel!!

Our current governing administration is not afraid to disrespect Israel because of its disdain for one man. And will not meet with him during this state visit. And so do many people of the same political party. In your hearts, you know that this practice is not right. 

Instead, look to your soul, your humanity, your love for your fellow man and realize that the survival of Israel is paramount to our own survival. Join me and pray for the continued existence, in Peace, for Israel to survive against all the anti-Semitism it faces every single day from all who hate it so much. All because they hate one man.

That is the most Christian, and most Jewish, thing you will ever do.

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