Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dreamin' and Screamin' For the Orange and Blue

After writing twenty-plus commentaries this month on politics and the events occurring in the current election cycle, I thought  I, and you, needed to consider more mundane, laid-back fun stuff. Like America’s 19th century, pastoral game, baseball.

As many of you know, I am a long-time, long-suffering, loyal fan. who bleeds “Orange and Blue Since ‘62”, of the New York Mets. We have had our two World Series wins, 1969 and 1986, several other appearances and a smattering of other lesser boasts. 

But now, with a team which was given up for done on Memorial Day, we are the Number One Wild Card seed with two months to play. We are no longer sellers; we are now buyers. Kinda reminds me of 2015. Same weekend, when we got Cespedes. And forged a run to the pennant for the ages.

What makes it sweeter is that we are ahead of our long-time nemesis, the Atlanta Braves. To my friends from Georgia, your team has pretty much dominated baseball since the 1990s.  It’s time to give someone else a shot.

Just to be clear, I am a Georgia-born guy, raised in Queens and Nassau counties, and have lived my entire life, until recently, on Long Island.  So where would my loyalties lie? And my passion?

Just last month, I wrote a commentary about the 1973 season called "Ya Gotta Believe!" and the events surrounding that pennant run. This season seems to mirror that one but this time, for each game, we seem to have many more players stepping up and leading the way. And that is good.

I know there is still a lot of baseball to be played, but this weekend just might be the one we can point to on October 1 when the Mets achieve the impossible dream, and pass the Phillies, to win the division. 

A boy, even at 73, can dream, yes? So sit back, hold on, and be ready to scream that immortal cheer:


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