Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Three Days, Three Embarrassments

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Apparently, Chucky Schumer wants to get an award for Best Actor in a Crying Role by showing how well he can release the alligators at a moments' notice. Sorry Chucky, that still belongs to POTUS44.

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You are a pitiful actor and more so, a pitiful Senator whose views on the same subject spin on a dime, depending who occupies 1600. In 2011, you said nothing when the previous president banned Iraqis and again in 2015 when you wanted to study the refugee issue. 

Hmmmm. Sounds a lot like you have no principles other than that controlled by the political winds. You are a worthless excuse to be the Senior Senator from the State of New York. You are, ultimately, an embarrassment.

Speaking of POTUS44, which I resist to do so, he now has come back from his vacation and has decided to be a gnat on the @$$ of the current POTUS. But, that's ok. That's all he is. A gnat, you know, one of the lowest forms of insects.

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Unlike POTUS43, POTUS42 and all the others, POTUS44 doesn't want to follow the decorum of HIS predecessors by keeping his mouth shut. Bad enough, that he doesn't know how to do that. In addition, he thinks he still can gin up his base by encouraging the snowflakes to protest, no matter what President Trump does. That, too, is an embarrassment.

Hey, Obama. I know you couldn't follow the Constitution, because you didn't really support it. But sadly, you don't have any respect for the office you held, either. 

As for the travel ban, I guess the people protesting didn't bother to read and understand the meaning. Just so you know, it isn't an anti-Muslim ban, even though the Left Steam Media is reporting it that way. It is about protecting US, you know, YOU and ME from seven countries which sponsor or cannot protect against Radical Islam

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As the old expression goes, "I lock my doors, not because I hate everyone outside of my home, but because I love everyone inside of my home." Smarten up, people. You are embarrassing yourselves by acting like Soros' sheeple.

Three situations, three embarrassments. Sometimes, it is better to remain silent and be thought the fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.