Tell you what... since We the People, not we the lemmings, are paying for Paul Ryan and
Chuck Schumer's health plan, I think it is time we get the same type of policy.
For too long, there has been bipartisan disdain by the Members of Congress (MC) from both Houses for the people of this
country. They feel annoyed, actually, that we would dare to question their
motives, as they have rewarded themselves with perks that they decry CEO's of big businesses and
banks from having.
you know that once someone becomes a MC, his or her retirement plan payout is
the same as their annual salary? Raise your hand if you enjoy THAT perk.
Did you know that MC have free health care, and by free, I mean they pay no premiums or have deductibles? With everything covered? And so do their staffs? I bet you pay dearly for YOUR health care.
Did you know that they have free lifetime membership in the House gym? How is your gym membership working for you? I pick things up and put them down.
Did you know that a MC works roughly 135 days a year, if that? I know, they go back to their districts and see what the people want and need. Right. For about two or three hours a week.
Did you know that we pay for their DC staff AND their home district staffs, AND their salaries plus benefits? Plus office space? And mailings, and cell phones, and office supplies and on and on and on. If you were in business, YOU would be paying for ALL of that. I know, because I did.
Did you know that MC have free health care, and by free, I mean they pay no premiums or have deductibles? With everything covered? And so do their staffs? I bet you pay dearly for YOUR health care.
Did you know that they have free lifetime membership in the House gym? How is your gym membership working for you? I pick things up and put them down.
Did you know that a MC works roughly 135 days a year, if that? I know, they go back to their districts and see what the people want and need. Right. For about two or three hours a week.
Did you know that we pay for their DC staff AND their home district staffs, AND their salaries plus benefits? Plus office space? And mailings, and cell phones, and office supplies and on and on and on. If you were in business, YOU would be paying for ALL of that. I know, because I did.
So, don't think Paulie, or Chuckie, or Lizzie
or Mitch give a $#!+ about you. They
don't. If they did, they would be
enjoying your benefits and pensions and gym memberships. But, if course,
how dare we think they would lower themselves to a subservient
Oh, and one
more tidbit of hypocrisy. If you
are a disgraced MC who was forced to resign for committing sex crimes with minors,
like, uhm, say, Anthony Weiner, you don't
go to jail like a lemming as you or I would. Nope. You get to live your
life on the outside and get to enjoy all your perks like any other MC.
And even run for another office.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or
Republican, conservative or liberal, a Trump supporter or Hillary supporter.
You should be as pissed off as I am.
On this, we should ALL be in
agreement. Enough with the perks.

Trust me. It is all a
show, smoke and mirrors, pani
e circi, to entertain the masses, to
keep us quiet. And even the useless media goes along.
Lying Hypocrites, indeed.