I am not a fan of illegal immigration, but Donald Trump basically whitewashed an entire ethnic group to be criminal in nature. That is wrong. Those who did come here illegally are criminals, but not all Latino/Hispanics fit that bill. I am including a link to a local New York TV station’s online report for your review. NBC Fires Donald Trump
I am more concerned that Islamists, who want to kill us, are slipping into the country illegally, than if Juan or Pedro or Maria are here looking for work and are willing to do the work lazy Americans are unwilling to do.
We must secure our borders. Both north and south. But what Trump said and did is outside the political argument. He is as wrong here as he was when he challenged Obama's birth certificate. Obama could have been born on the moon, but since his mother was an American born person, then Obama is American. Trump needs to think before he speaks.
The hypocrisy of NBC/UNIVERSAL doesn't go unnoticed here. Unrev Al Sharpton, who is an unmitigated, hateful racist, still has a venue to spew his anti-white, racist hate every day. What is up with that?

So, if NBC allows Sharpton the racist to continue to speak his poison, then NBC, who reserves the right to hire and fire its employees, needs to reconsider its reason for firing Trump.
Otherwise, NBC is no longer a free and politically independent enterprise, but rather, the very powerful mouthpiece of the Democrat National Committee, with an FCC license to pretend it is providing a public service.
If that is the case, then Fox, CBS, ABC and CNN should be as free as NBC/UNIVERSAL is and should not be regulated, either. Otherwise, it is selective regulation via another political arm of the DNC called the Federal Communications Commission.
In the end, NBC/UNIVERSAL will regret its decision for firing Trump, but not because of its stated reason of not condoning racist comments made by Trump. It will be due to a ratings loss, which translates to dollars, because Trump was a draw. Celebrity Apprentice was an attraction because a successful business person challenged participants to excel. And now, he is gone.
If the racist Sharpton stays, reasonable Americans will recognize NBC as the shill so many of us already do, and a supporter of selective, racist hate. Hence, the hypocrisy. And more dollars lost. The Management of NBC/UNIVERSAL will end up on the same dump they threw Trump today.
Just rewards, for a knee-jerk, fascist and political group of hypocrites, don't you think?