Sunday, October 6, 2024

The All-Important Catholic Vote

For many years, Presidential candidates from both political parties understood that you needed to curry favor with the largest Christian bloc of voters even if you don’t belive as they believe, the Catholics.
Funny thing, even when a candidate's political beliefs run contrary to them on issues like abortion or even gay marriage, they may take those as differences of opinion but may still vote for that candidate if other issues fall in line to what they believe.

Catholic voters do not necessarily march in lockstep to the Church. But don’t ridicule them, either.
Kammy made headlines last month when news emerged that she would skip the Archdiocese of New York’s annual Al Smith Dinner. This is a dinner where people of all religions and all parties come together, as Americans, in a night of bipartisanship and good cheer by invitatation from the Cardinal Archbishop of New York.

The name is synonymous with Al Smith, a Democrat and the first Catholic nominee for President.
Timothy Cardinal Dolan said he was “disappointed” by the decision, noting the last major candidate to skip it was Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984, shortly before he was trounced by Ronald Reagan.

But as the New York Post reported on Saturday, this is only the latest in a series of insults, perceived or not, that the Kamster has hoisted onto this important voting bloc. She has consistently challenged Catholic nominees on their practices and beliefs, creating the appearance she believed that they were Un-American and should not be approved for the position nominated.

That doesn’t sit well with many Catholics and it is shows in how she trails Donald Trump in this demographic. And by dissing Cardinal Dolan, her anti-Catholic bias is resonating in the polls.
Catholics are pretty forgiving people, generally, but she just might lose the election because she has shown her dislike for the beliefs that rank and file Catholics profess.

Bad move, Kammy.

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