Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tammany Hall Has A BIG Competitor

If it were not so serious, it actually would be very funny. Or at least, somewhat amusing.
The latest in “As The City Stinks” was reported this afternoon by the New York Post that a major donor to next-in-line New York City Public Advocate Juumane Williams also received campaign contributions from a contractor accused by the feds of setting up illegal straw donations to Hizzoner, records show

Williams received $5,000 in donations from Tolib Mansurov, a Uzbek American businessman who is identified as “Businessman-4” in the Adams indictment.

Obviously, Juumane’s hands are not clean and pure as all the Socialists and their media sycophants claim. It is amazing that every Socialist will compromise his “principles” for a little capitalist green.

So hold on, folks. The feds are not scraping through all the poop that is stinking up all levels of the City’s government. The holding of noses and breaths will have to continue.

Then, we will have to sit back to see who might be next to go down in history’s most corrupt City government, worse than Tammany Hall.

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