Friday, September 13, 2024

Two More Democrats Digusted By Democrat Party Lies and Corruption

Do you know who Mark Penn is? He is a former Clinton Advisor, a pollster and senior adviser for the Clintons from 1995-2008 and co-chair of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.
It was reported by Newsmax that he spoke with John Solomon of the "John Solomon Reports" podcast Thursday that "suspicion is really quite high" and a review of internal texts and emails should be done by an independent party to find out whether there was an effort to rig the debate's outcome.

He is not the only one who believes this, either. Andrew Stein, the former Democrat New York City Council President, concurs. 

Together they authored an op-ed piece, which was published Thursday in The Wall Street Journal, in which they state it appeared to them that ABC News' debate moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, "had decided in advance" they were going to fact-check Trump but not Harris.

This, from two Democrats, who recognize fraud when they see it and are willing to expose it, no matter the consequences to them.

Harris enlisted every charge ever leveled against Mr. Trump, regardless of the truth," they wrote. "That included, to name a few, the false claims that he favors a national abortion ban and opposes in vitro fertilization, that he called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., 'very fine people,' and that he threatened a 'bloodbath' if he loses the election. Each is untrue: Mr. Trump has made clear he opposes a national abortion ban. He favors IVF and has even said the government should pay for it. He condemned the Charlottesville neo-Nazis. And he predicted a financial 'bloodbath' for the auto industry if he loses and the Biden-Harris electric-vehicle mandates progress.”

They believe the moderators, David Muir and Lindsey Davis, should have fact-checked her, and failed miserably. They are calling for an Independent Investigator to review and reveal the contents of emails, and other data, between Senior Managers and the anchors leading up to Tuesday which will show this debate was rigged by senior people at ABC News.

And by the way, this is an huge embarrassment for parent company Disney, too.

I have linked the entire article so you can read for yourself to see what Messrs. Penn and Stein wrote. You will be as fascinated and as angry as many people should be. And are.

Yes, Virginia. There are still a few Democrats who recognize corruption and deceit in their party, and will do anything to stop it.

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