Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Reason to Change the Debate Format

It seems that there is one media entity which has decided that when it hears a lie, it does not cover it up. Instead, USA Today has decided to exemplify its journalistic integrity.
While ABC News Democrat shills David Muir and Linsey Davis joined the Kamster to tag team Donald Trump, three on one at least five times, they failed to call her out on one glaring lie. Harris inaccurately made it sound as though there are no U.S. soldiers deployed in overseas conflict zones.

She said, “And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century."

That SHOULD have been fact-checked and they failed. Or wouldn’t want to call her out. In fact, USA Today reported that the U.S. maintains nearly 1,000 troops on bases in Syria and another 2,500 in Iraq, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. In Syria, U.S. troops are stationed to help prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State group. They play a similar role in Iraq, where they also help disrupt Iran’s influence and supply lines to various militias.

Muir and Davis showed themselves as biased party hacks, not as journalists. If they failed to call out Kammy on this lie, how many others did they also fail to disclose?

A network's news anchors should NOT be permitted to hold the debates. Instead, the Commission on Presidential Debates MUST select the moderators from all sources, across the political spectrum, where, ultimately, we will NEVER have a David Muir/Candy Crowley moment like this again. With NO real-time fact-checking.

And if a moderator decides to inject himself or herself into the debate, he and his network shpuld get fined, and banned, from the current and next election cycle’s debates.

Until then, no Repiblican should accept any debate because this format is blatantly unfair. Any reasonable and fair-minded American would agree.

And as proof, since Obama ran for President, no Democrat appeared on Fox for a debate. Fox News offered to host a debate in October. And Kammy will refuse because she knows she will be held accountable by real journalists.

And then, my case will be made.

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