Sunday, September 29, 2024

Praying For Peace In Israel

To paraphrase a memorable line from a classic movie, “we're mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore.” So said Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Friday at the United Nations.
And between Friday and today, he proved he is a man of his word.

It was reported by the world media that Hezbollah on Saturday confirmed the death of its leader Hassan Nasrallah, after Israel said he was killed in an airstrike in a Beirut suburb. The IDF said it also neutralized Muhammad Ali Ismail, the commander of Hezbollah’s missile unit in southern Lebanon, as well as his deputy, Hussein Ahmad Ismail, and other “commanders and operatives” who attended the meeting.

After a while, even a docile creature will attack in self-defense. Eventually, the taunted will strike back.

The Ayatollah, no matter who he is, is the Chief Cleric of the Shi’ite Muslims and supposed to be a Man of God. But instead, that person, whomever he has been, has shown himself to be the Champion of the Evil One, whether he is called Satan, Lucifer, Devil or any other godless name.

He has taken a religion based on Peace and Love and has made the world see it as the Religion of Hate for those who do not practice it.

I know many Muslims who are offended and ashamed of what has become of their faith. It has been corrupted and stolen by a vile, evil minority who are anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Social, anti-Sunni Muslim psychopaths and who claim the rest of the world are Infidels.

But they persist to fight Israelis and Jews for a swathe of land at 290 miles long and 85 miles wide, smaller than the size of New Jersey. And blame it on God.

Bibi is right to finally punch the bully in his nose. He warned them all, Iran and its puppets, that they had better stop. They kept at it, thinking the world was on their side. But now, he will not allow it to continue.

As for the anti-Semites of this country, the blood of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese is on YOUR hands, too, along with Iran and its terrorist clients. NOT the Israelis.

Your continued support of this war against Israel by surreptitious thieves of a peaceful religion, makes you terrorists and hatemongers, as well.

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