Wednesday, September 18, 2024

On Betraying an Ally

Even if I were told a secret by a friend I would NEVER betray the trust. Nor, if I SUSPECTED my friend may have done something I thought he MIGHT have done, it would not be up to me to reveal it. That is HIS responsibility.

That is called the Seal of Confession. But the "Devout" Catholic President conveniently forgets that.
However, once again, the Harris-Biden Administration has decided to betray Israel on national TV. It was reported by Brett Baier of Fox News that a senior administration official told him specifically that it was Israel who created the pager explosion yesterday in Lebanon.

Sell out America’s ally in the Middle East, you anti-Semitic bastard.

Israel said nothing. It was not up to our government to say anything, even if they only suspected it. And certainly not to betray a confidence.

But the anti-Semites which permeate the Harris-Biden regime could not contain their glee to sell out Israel. That is how much hate they hold for Israel. It is obvious to even the most casual observer.

When Donald Trump becomes President again, the world will once again see what an ally really is. Until then, no one can trust our government.

November 5 can’t come fast enough.

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