Friday, September 6, 2024

Bragg "Earned" a Disbarment

Remember US Attorney Rudolph Giuliani? The same man who prosecuted dangerous mobsters, at the risk of his own life, and put them into jail? The same man who ran for Mayor and cleaned up New York City from dope dealers, made Times Square safe without porn theaters, eliminated “squeegy men” and made the City safe again for people to visit and see the Tree with their families?
The same Rudolph Giuliani, who became known after 9/11 as America’s Mayor?

THAT Rudolph Giuliani! And here is a bulletin to Alvin Bragg: You will never walk in his shoes, you corrupt excuse for a District Attorney!

It was revealed on Thursday in the late online edition of the New York Post that Nicholas Biase, chief spokesman for the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, was secretly recorded tearing into the progressive prosecutor during a recent conversation, who worked with Bragg in the US SDNY, the same place Giuliani made his bones, prosecuting members of the MAFIA like John Gotti, forty years ago.

Honestly, I think the case is nonsense,” Biase was filmed saying. “He wants to be, something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now,” he said in the clip.

Alvin Bragg is a fraud, the worst kind of prosecutor, right up there with Letitia James and Fani Willis, all about the glory any way it can be got. With no substance.

I hope this crook gets his comeuppance and is finally forced to resign by that party hackGovetnor Kathy Hochul, for incompetence. Short of that, hopefully the residents in Manhattan vote this slime out when he runs again.

He is an embarrassment to EVERYONE in the legal profession, and deserves to be disbarred.

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