Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Lie and the Sin of Stolen Valor

Before I begin, I will offer that I did not serve in the military. It was during the Vietnam War, and President Nixon had instituted the lottery system. I was extremely fortunate that my lottery number was 293.
I was preparing to go into the Seminary, so had I been called, I would have been in the chaplaincy. But instead, the day after the lottery drawing, I went down to my draft board and dropped my student deferment.

I am not a fan of war; no one is. But I will ALWAYS support the men and women who now choose to enlist. They give up so much, with little thanks, to defend our country.

Richard Blumenthal, Ðemocrat Senator from Connecticut, served in the Marine Corps Reserves, beginning in April, 1970 just before the first lottery that June. His deferments had run out and he followed the same path many others did. He played the game by the rules at that time.

 As The New York Times noted, joining the Marine Reserves "virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam". He served in units stationed in Washington, D.C., and Connecticut from 1970 to 1976, attaining the rank of sergeant.

However, during his 2010 Senate campaign, news report videos that showed Blumenthal, claiming he had served in Vietnam, created a controversy. He denied having intentionally misled voters, but acknowledged having occasionally "misspoken" about his service record. He later apologized to voters for remarks about his military service that he said had not been "clear or precise". Essentially, he lied and is guilty of Stolen Valor.

But he is not the only one guilty of this travesty. Many others have taken credit for military service, either by saying they served or by exaggerating what they did when they did serve.

Now, we have learned that there is now a more prominent offender of this deceit. It was reported today in the New York Post and elsewhere that the current Democrat Vice President designee, is guilty as well of Stolen Valor.

Apparently, this information was missed by the people in the Harris campaign responsible for vetting the candidates prior to Kammy announcing her choice this past Monday. Or, maybe once again, those few in high places within the campaign assumed their friends in the media would genuflect and suppress the truth.

Now, the Democrat elite are trying to spin every possible way except the facts. Even CNN’s Jim Acosta, not exactly a fan of the Trump campaign, was forced to correct Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn) on Wednesday after the Democrat Senator, a surrogate for VP Harris, said Sen. JD Vance had no record of military service.

MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes accused Republicans of “swift boating” him on Tuesday. That was John Kerry’s Stolen Valor moment in the 2004 campaign against President Bush.

What other facts are lying just lying under the surface to expose Walz to be a fraud?

Perhaps, this might be a good time BEFORE the convention for Kammy’s bosses to “Thomas Eagleton” Timmy and admit they screwed up. Otherwise, the resulting embarrasment will be worse than George McGovern endured in 1972.

Or will they be smug and tough it out, to the destruction of their prize candidate? Time will tell.

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