Friday, August 16, 2024

The Harris Communist Panacea

There is no doubt in my mind. Kamala Harris is an economic idiot. Or worse.
Apparently, she does not understand that our debt is already at the breaking point, today, standing at $35.1TT, (thirty-five point one TRILLION DOLLARS). That translates to $104,000 PER PERSON alive right now. Infants included.

And she plans on handing out another $1.7TT within her first hundred days should she actually win the 2024 election. That was what she promised today as reported in the New York Post and elsewhere, three days before the Democrat Convention begins on Monday in Chicago.

Any reasonable person would ask how she expects to make this magic trick a reality. She can’t, unless she runs Printing and Engraving into overdrive. Americans cannot afford another tax. The family dollar is already stretched and distorted.

And if we look at history through the twentieth century, we are running our economy into the trash heap. We are beginning to look like Germany before Hitler, Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution, China after Mao took over and Cuba after Castro overthrew Battista .

I have decided that Kammy is, minimally, a Socialist dressed in Democrat clothing. And her running mate didn’t teach in the People’s Republic; instead he was taught there. If they win, we are doomed.

Then, we can all do the Harris Walz on our way to the poorhouse.

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