Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Do You Know Who Your Neighbor Is? Really Know?

Years ago, a TV station in New York would have someone ask just before the news broadcast, “It's ten o'clock. Do you know where your children are?” Today that question should be, “Do you know who your neighbor is?”
Here is why. It was reported yesterday by the House Judiciary Committee, “Under the Biden-Harris Administration, of the more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist who were encountered by Border Patrol at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, DHS has released into American communities at least 99, with at least 34 others in DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States.”

It further goes on to say, “Border Patrol has encountered tens of thousands of migrants from countries that could present national security risks – including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.”

And one more highlight from the article, "But officials have warned about the risk that terrorists may seek to enter in through the southern border. That was on display when DHS identified over 400 individuals brought to the U.S. from Eastern European and Central Asian countries by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network in the past several months."

Makes you feel warm and cozy. Yes? But they also know two million “gotaways”, people who escaped capture, are now loose in the country.

I have provided a link to the article published by Fox News Digital for you to read and make your own assessment how serious this problem truly is and who is to blame for this failure to “provide for the common defense.”

I have made mine.

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