Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Where IS Joe Biden?

Here is a question which needs to be answered. Like now. Has anyone seen Joe Biden since 4:15 pm PDT on July 17? ANYONE?

I mean, besides his family and his closest aides?

He was supposed to appear at a fundraiser held by the Hispanic group UnidosUS, but he mysteriously took a COVID-19 test and immediately claimed he needed to self-isolate. This was after he told a BET reporter just the day before that only way he would withdraw from the race was if he got sick. 

Did your lightbulb pop on? Mine did when he said that. And magically, the next day he got COVID. By the way, how many times has Biden been vaccinated and boosted? More than three or four times, at least.

And he has been sick with it just as many times. Tells you much about the scam the vaccine was he foisted on us. Doesn’t it?

Masks and mandates; terminations and compliance; and, the UNVACCINATED population was the biggest danger to everyone else. Right? RIGHT??

Very odd that his withdrawal letter from the campaign was written on his personal stationery and not on White House letterhead, don’t you think? And was electronically signed? And his staff was “informed” one minute before the rest of us?

Oh, and thirty minutes later, his endorsement of Kamala Harris was done the same way? I mean, okay. He needed to put his withdrawal in writing anyway, so I will buy that. But announcing his support for Harris should have been in a more public setting.

This raises many questions, but I will ask only one multipart question and one other. Is Biden dead or is he unconcious? No matter the answer to the first, the greatest hoax maybe being played in the American people who have the right to know. Right now. Just like the movie, Dave, from 1993, with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. And this time, it isn’t funny.

The other is: Where is President Biden?

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