Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Taking the Machiavelli Masterclass With Professor Obama

Of the seven commentaries I have published before this one this month, five have been political and the other two were originally written years ago and were filed in my drafts. So I  added a bit to them and decided to finally honor my friend, Ed Koch.
But now, I am now inspired to write again. I will have written thirteen times this year with this one, and I will have written eight in just this month alone.

Impressive, yes?

Last night I listened to the Dick Morris vlog, the political pundit and former Clinton Assistant, who shares his views on a daily basis. He had voiced an opinion why the Democrats were in a full-on press to distance themselves from Biden. His take? So that before the Biden Presidency completely collapses, Michelle Obama will “reluctantly” step forward to “rescue” the party to give it a chance to beat Donald Trump in November, at the urging of the Democrat hierarchy, led by none other than, you guessed it, her “doting” husband, Barry O.

At one time, the Democrat Party was the party of FDR, Truman and JFK, with smatterings of Humphrey, Mondale and Carter thrown in for a short while. And then, it became the party of Bill and Hillary Clinton who were adored and idolized through the nineties and into the early twenty-first century, even to the end of the first Obama term.

But now, it is the party of Barry O, who has worked his charm behind the scenes to orchestrate the end of the Biden disaster in full view of everyone, while the party minions march in lockstep to his will. Because they are afraid they will be destroyed in November. If you can’t see that this happening, you are either blind or stupid. Or in on it.

When a major party donor, George Clooney, gets his Op-Ed piece published in the Times and his pal, Rob  Reiner, gets a front page headline echoing that Op-Ed piece, and Obama says nothing, you know it is over for Joe Biden. It is only a matter of time until Biden is thrown out with the trash and Kamala Harris is buried in the ashes of this Machiavellian drama. All that is left is how to get control of the Biden/Harris campaign money.

That is Obama’s dilemma now. But you and I know he WILL find a way and the media will have put its collective head in the sand and claim, like Hogan’s Heroes’  Sgt Schultz, “I see nothing!”

Stay tuned for more of As the Obamas Turn.

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