Sunday, July 21, 2024

Consequence of an Attempted Assassination

It is being reported by the New York Post and other media outlets that Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, will testify  before Congress on Monday, July 22, regarding her role and that of the Secret Service in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump last weekend. This may be proving both interesting and educational if she is permitted to respond without invoking Executive Privilege.

Her supervisor is Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, who was impeached, but not tried for "failure to comply with Federal immigration laws and breaching the public trust" in securing the border. And he is not a fan of this Republican-controlled House, so will he allow Director Cheatle answer all the questions asked, or will she be prevented for doing so?

It recently has been reported that not all security surrounding President Trump were Secret Service agents. Allegedly, several protectors may have been Homeland Security investigators. If so, the blame may reach to the highest levels of the executive  branch.

Prior the Trump’s shooting, Trump asked for INCREASED protection and Robert Kennedy Jr asked for SOME protection, but both were denied. For Trump, the excuse was that he was not the President anymore. For Kennedy, he was not a major candidate since he won no delegates in any primary. Oh, and that it was too costly for Biden Administration to incur the extraordinary additional  expense. 

Only after President Trump was shot was the decision made to give both candidates the same level of protection as the current President.  Someone had to almost die for that decision to be made. And who would have taken the blame if Trump did die?

At a minimum, both Director Cheatle and Secretary Mayorkas must be held accountable and termination, without benefits or pension, of their employment MUST BE the punishment. It is not uncommon in private business for this to be the consequence for failure to do one’s job. And that practice must be enforced for ALL fired government employees, as well.

They should be grateful he did not die and be held accountable for his death. 

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